Is Your Home an Ice Rink?
Is Your Home an Ice Rink?
Slippery floors are an often overlooked aspect of keeping your dog safe and healthy. Dogs have different anatomy to us, making them more susceptible to accidents on slippery surfaces. Their paws lack the grip and traction that our shoes provide, making it challenging for them to maintain balance.
Slips and falls can lead to various injuries, ranging from sprains and strains to more severe fractures. Older dogs, young and developing dogs, or those recovering from surgery are especially vulnerable. Slip-related injuries can have lasting effects on our dogs' physical and emotional wellbeing. A fall can not only cause physical pain but also create fear and anxiety around walking on slippery surfaces.
So, what can we do to protect our dogs from slipping and sliding around our homes?
Provide traction via non-slip rugs, mats, and carpet runners around your home.
Trim nails regularly so your dog’s grip is not impeded.
Provide Your Dog With Socks and Boots
Create a dedicated area in your home where your dog can play and relax - either carpeted or with a non-slip surface.