Tasty Treat and Training Tool to Help with Problem Behaviors
Tasty Treat and Training Tool to Help with Problem Behaviors
Kong toys filled with treats and sealed with something sticky are a great way to occupy your dog. These treats are tasty, healthy, and easy to make. The more difficult the treat is to get out of the opening, the longer your dog will stay occupied!
This is a great use of your healthy leftovers. Things to add include:
· Unseasoned meat – ground beef, turkey, chicken, all work great!
· Veggies – peas, carrots, squash, green beans, etc. Mashed potatoes are also a dog’s dream! Just be sure they don’t have garlic or other unhealthy additives in them.
· Fruit – Add a few blueberries, chopped strawberries, banana pieces, apple slivers, etc.
Place ingredients in a bowl and mix together.
Stuff the Kongs with the mixture. How many Kongs it actually fills depends on the size of the Kongs. Leftovers can be refrigerated and used in the next couple of days.
If desired, freeze the Kongs to give your pooch a bit more of a challenge or give it something to cool off with on a hot day.
Use the Kong to help with problem behaviors.
My puppy is biting me with her razor sharp teeth!!
Teething puppies learn quickly that chewing on things helps ease the pain. Kong toys help promote the entry of growing teeth and soothe the pain, especially when frozen. When your puppy begins to chew or bite at your hands, your clothes, or your feet while you are walking, lead them to their crate and provide them with a Kong. This teaches your puppy that there is a tastier option then you to chew on.
Help my dog barks incessantly!
Providing a stuffed frozen Kong to your dog will assist with burning off both physical and mental energy. A stuffed Kong can keep your dog occupied and provide mental stimulation as well as an outlet for your dog’s energy.
Have a dog that is a fast eater? What can I do?
Slow them down by placing his food in a Kong. You can soften the food with water or chicken broth, stuff it in the Kong, and freeze it.
My dog digs in the yard. How can I stop him from digging!
Dog’s dig for many reasons such as boredom, to cool off, and to find a scent. Scent detection is a great outdoor dog sport for exercising your dog’s nose and to provide him with a different outlet to expel energy other than digging. Dogs have a very acute sense of smell, some breeds more than others, and can be taught to seek scents around the house or yard. For this game, you will need to use a high-value treat or scent to keep them engaged. Bacon, hot dogs, or fish can work well for this fun hide-and-seek twist.
Place a small amount of the desired and aromatic reward inside the Kong, and hide it. Keep a small piece for your pet to smell, and reward them with a taste. Start slow, and help them find the Kong the first few times you hide it. As they get the hang of the game, you can hide the Kong in harder to find places, and give them fewer clues.
This type of interactive game is a great way to engage your pet in playtime and can strengthen your bond.
Additional recipe:
Banana Surprise – Plug up the small hole, then stuff part of a slightly overripe banana (1/2 banana for XL Kong, less for smaller sizes), then a few dog treats or cookies, then plain yogurt. Freeze. Dogs love it!