Fundraising Ideas
We know that your decision to add a service dog to your family is a significant purchase and that there may be financial concerns on funding your decision. We want you to know that with some creativity and effort many service dog owners have partially and often fully funded their service dog purchase.
Once you have made your decision to acquire a service dog don't be shy about letting others know of your decision and why having a service dog is so important to your health and life. Let family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, local church, businesses, civic organizations, professional associations, and media know you are adding a service animal to your family and seek for their ideas and support in your fundraising efforts. Don’t limit your efforts to one group or fundraising effort.
Some examples of fundraising efforts other service dog owners have participated include:
Spaghetti dinner sponsored by local church
T-shirt sale — Custom Ink T-shirt Fundraising is a great place to begin your fundraising efforts. There is no out of pocket cost to get started!
Golf tournament sponsored by local businesses and country club
Cash boxes set up at local businesses
Spare change collection/ Penny drive - Ask people to donate their pocket change. Set up change jars or bottles at home, the office or a local business and watch the change add up. Every penny counts!
Jeans Day or Casual Day - Encourage co-workers to make a donation in exchange for wearing jeans or dressing casually. Suggest a minimum donation of $5. Talk to the decision maker in your company to plan a Jeans or Casual Day.
Online networking - Use your networking web site, such as LinkedIn, or other sites such as Facebook to let others in your network know that you are participating in your fundraiser and invite them to donate.
Roller skating, ice skating, and bowling nights at local vendors
Pot luck lunches - Salads, hamburgers, tacos, etc and invite colleagues to enjoy the meal for a set donation.
Have a party for parties - Invite several vendors such as Tupperware, Pampered Chef, LuLaRoe, PartyLite, etc. to set up a table of their products for sale or to order. Guests can visit the vendors, snack, and visit with friends. Vendors can typically donate 20% of their sales.
Movie night at local theater
Favorite Recipes Cookbook sale
Photography Fundraiser
Breakfast with Santa, the Easter Bunny, or your favorite character
Gift wrapping station at Christmas time
Garage sale - Ask friends and neighbors to donate some unwanted items to assist with your fundraising sale
Account fundraising through online fund raising organizations such as GoFundMe and YouCaring
GoFundMe creative tips page is a wonderful resource for additional fundraising ideas.
Direct fundraising account established through local bank
The above are just a few ideas where other service dog owners have had success. Remember to use all sources available to get out the word of your decision and seek for ideas and support. You will be surprised at who helps and what ideas come forward when you get others involved. Get creative, think outside the box! The ideas are truly endless! It can be scary at first but try to have fun with it! It will take some work, but your hard work will pay off in the end.
Remember to talk to your tax accountant on documentation requirements and tax implications of your fundraising efforts. Also discuss potential tax deductions and savings for your personal costs of purchasing and maintaining your service dog.