Troubleshooting the Down Cue: A Dog that Won't Lay Down

Troubleshooting the Down Cue: A Dog that Won't Lay Down

If you're experiencing difficulties with a dog that refuses to lay down on cue, don’t worry, you are not alone! Many dog owners encounter this issue during their training journey. But fear not, with a little troubleshooting and patience, you can help your dog understand and respond to the down cue. Here are some steps to troubleshoot the problem:

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Training Service Dogs to Ride on Elevators

Training Service Dogs to Ride on Elevators

Service dogs are required to master a wide range of skills to assist individuals with disabilities. One particular skill that we focus on in our service dog training program is teaching our dogs how to ride on elevators smoothly and confidently. Elevator training is essential as it allows service dogs to accompany their handlers across various public and private settings without any hesitation or anxiety.

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Car Sickness

Car Sickness

Ugh the dog threw up in the car again! It is doubtful that anything is much more unpleasant than to have a dog get sick every time he is taken out in the car. Not only is it disgusting, annoying, and inconvenient to the owner, but it is upsetting to the dog as well. Desensitizing your dog to traveling in a car may take some work and some time, but it can be accomplished. Car sickness in dogs is a common problem. It is more common in puppies possibly due to not having the parts of their inner ear, the vestibular system responsible for maintaining balance, being fully developed. If this is the case, then in time, your puppy will outgrow motion or car sickness as they get older. If your dog is older and experiencing car sickness problems, there are ways to assist him.

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Every dog should have one command she can do anywhere, anytime. Sit is a great contender for that job. It gives your dog a way to say, “Please,” and can become her default greeting. When you get home or when visitors appear, she cannot jump up on them, if she is in the “sit’ position. She cannot run away from you or bolt to chase a cat, kids, cars, or bicycles if she is in the “sit” position. There are numerous behaviors that can be interrupted or redirected by teaching the “sit” command. Of all the commands, when a dog is taught to sit, they will be easier to live with.

So, how do you train it?

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Loose-Leash Walking

Loose-Leash Walking

Loose-Leash Walking

Dogs do not realize that walking in a straight line is the quickest way to get from point A to point B. They typically zig-zag in front of you as fast as they can. Dogs are aware that they are on a leash and learn quickly that if they pull hard enough, the leash and the human at the other end will move with them. Now, they have to be trained not to pull, rather to walk loosely while on leash.

Why train it? Why do dogs pull? How do I train it?

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