Going back to work? Tips to keep your dog from becoming anxious
/As families begin to go back to school and work, people may find that their dog that was once able to be home all day alone may struggle and go through a stressful adjustment period. He got used to you being home so much with him and used to the extra attention that having you go back to work/school, just as it may be with you, is going to take a little getting used to again. The stress of having you gone may trigger some not-so-pleasant behaviors such as inappropriate chewing, excessive barking, and excessive scratching. These behaviors could be a sign of separation anxiety or distress when you are at work. To prepare your dog now for the transition, follow these tips:
• Begin to give your dog space and some alone time while you are home. Provide him with a stuffed Kong in his kennel or provide him some time in another room with a favorite toy.
• Start to transition your dog to what will be your new schedule. Dogs are very schedule oriented and sudden changes can cause stress. Start shifting feeding, walking, potty, and exercise schedules to match what they will be when you go back to work.
• Begin leaving him home alone now. Begin to go out once or twice a day without your fur buddy, even if it is for 10 minutes. Be sure to practice cues that let your dog know you are leaving as you would when going back to work such as grabbing your keys, purse, lunch bag, closing the blinds or windows. Do these things a few times a day even though you are not leaving so that these activities become meaningless to your dog.